Foster A Dog

What Does Fostering Mean and How Will It Impact Me?

Fostering involves providing temporary care, love, and support to a homeless dog until they find their forever home. It's a rewarding experience that benefits not only the dog and the rescue but also the foster caregiver in many ways.

Why Foster?

Fostering saves lives. It provides crucial support to rescues and shelters by offering a safe haven for dogs awaiting adoption, including those who may be at risk of euthanasia due to overcrowding. You play a significant role in preparing dogs for their forever homes by providing socialization, training, and love, making them more adoptable. Fostering can be a fulfilling experience for your family and existing pets, offering companionship, socialization, and valuable life lessons, especially for children. You become part of a supportive community of fellow fosters, sharing experiences and guidance throughout the fostering journey.

How Long Can I Expect to Foster a Pet?

Fosters typically care for dogs for 6 to 12 weeks, with some requiring longer stays based on individual needs. Your commitment length is discussed upfront to accommodate your schedule, ensuring a rewarding experience for both you and the dogs. Rest assured, our team will support you every step of the way in providing a loving temporary home for these deserving animals.

What are the Responsibilities of a Foster Family?

Provide a safe, clean, and nurturing environment, ensuring the dog's well-being with proper care, including food, water, exercise, crate training, potty training, and socialization. Additionally, monitor and address any medical or behavioral issues, assist with transportation, and participate in promoting the dog for adoption. Please note that all vetting must be approved by a board member and must be at an approved vet clinic.